PFLAG Santa Cruz County Celebrates Holiday / Kick-off Party

Supervisor Mark W. Stone, Chairperson of the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors, Cheryl Rebottaro, president of PFLAG-SCC, Elaine Herman, former president PFLAG-SCC, and Mary Ellen Martinelli, founder of PFLAG-SCC at PFLAG Santa Cruz County’s Holiday/Kick-off Party on December 13, 2011 at First Congregation Church with pictured with County of Santa Cruz Proclamation.

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG) of Santa Cruz County has returned after several years of inactivity. Their December 13th Holiday / Kick-off Party was a grand success. Supervisor Mark W. Stone presented PFLAG with a Santa Cruz County Proclamation marking the occasion and was joined by many former founders of PFLAG Santa Cruz County. Cheryl Rebottaro, president of PFLAG of Santa Cruz County, says “I am so excited to celebrate this event with this community and our partners who have helped to bring PFLAG back”

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